“The services proposed have no therapeutic purposes, this is not a medical practice ”

Click on the services for details
1h00 - 55€
(with Organic Oils)
1h30 - 80€
1h00 - 60€
0h30 - 40€
Touch Anti-Stress
(Massage-Wellness on a ergonomic chair)
0h30 - 32€
1h30 - 65€
1h00 - 50€
1h00 - 60€


2h00 - 85€

1h00 - 50€
Balance Energetics Program
(Nutripuncture : Balance of the vital currents of the body)

0h45 - 40€

Energetics & Health Capital Program 
(Nutripuncture - Measures - Lifestyle)
1h00 - 60€
Anti-Stress & Health Capital Program
(Nutripuncture - Lifestyle - Relaxation)

1h30 - 80€

Coaching of Being and Life Program 
10 sessions
Biosynergie: Technical education of natural Wellness.

2h00 - 90€



Discovery package 3 sessions : - 5% 
Package 5 sessions : - 10%





Workshop Wellness 
(Learn many Technics from Massage-Wellness)

Stage of Transpersonal Development in Group 
(Biosynergie Inter-Active)

Relaxation Creative and Dynamic